UK only. Overseas orders please use the Contact Me button
Clothing Accessories
Brass hook and eye sets x5 (approximately 27mm x 12mm) £8
Bronze hook and eye sets x5 (approximately 27mm x 12mm) £8
Steel hook and eye sets x4 (approximately 36mm x 12mm) £8
Steel hook and big eye sets x4 (approximately 36mm x 14mm) £8
Wide steel hook and eye sets x4 (approximately 20mm W x 25mm H) £10
Bronze clothing toggle – cast from original (approx 56mm) £10
Bone bag or clothing toggle, turned (approx 25mm) £5
Wire cloak fastener (approx 42mm) £10
Bronze cloak hook – cast from original (approx 50mm) £10
Simple cloak fastener (approx 56mm) £4
Hinged pair of hooks fastener (approx 85mm) £8
Veil and Clothing Pins
Bronze Veil Pins x6 @38mm, 0.5mm wire £10
Bronze Veil Pins x5 @38mm, 0.7mm wire £10
Brass Saxon pins x4 @ 50m, 1mm wire £10
Bronze Whitby type wimple pins x2 @70mm, 1.2mm wire £8
x4 bronze Whitby type wimple pins on a clasp @70mm, 1.2mm wire £30
Long bronze veil pins with flattened shank x2 @75mm, 1.0mm wire £8
All cast from originals SOLD OUT, AWAITING NEW STOCK
Tiny brass buckle B7 19x14mm for 6mm strap £4 SOLD OUT
Bronze buckle B3 25x25mm for 10mm strap £5.50 SOLD OUT
Brass buckle B6 34x24mm for 12mm strap £7.50 SOLD OUT
Brass buckle B9 42x24mm for 12mm strap £7.50 SOLD OUT
25mm brass £0.40
38mm brass £0.60
Plain boxwood 30.5cm x 4.2cm x 6mm, mostly flat profile £30
Plain boxwood 30.2cm x 3.1cm x 3.5mm, mostly flat profile £24
Plain beech 30.3cm x 20.3cm x 9mm half round profile £14
FREE POSTAGE within UK. Overseas orders please use the Contact Me button
This booklet has been written by one of the illustrators who worked at the Mary Rose as a volunteer and whose work forms a major part of the research on the leather jerkins recovered from the ship. There is a brief introduction to the methodology of recovery and recording, through to replica making, sections on clothing, occupation and styles, followed by studies of 12 of the jerkins (with drawings), not all of which are covered or illustrated in Before the Mast. £8.00 UK post included. For overseas please use the Contact Me button